Origami models labeled Theropod

A group of dinosaurs that is characterized by hollow bones and three-toes and claws on each limb.

Theropod is a type of dinosaur.

Showing results 1 to 12 of 12 models
Brown raptor model with white head, feet and feathers on its arms.


Bipedal dinosaur model with reverse-colored head, feet and arm feathers.

Intermediate 1 hr. 3 min.
Orange origami velociraptor with a long tail.


Standing bipedal dinosaur with long tail and open mouth.

Moderate 27 min.
Bipedal green spinosaurus model with open mouth and large sail on its back.


Dinosaur model with large sail and open mouth.

Intermediate 17 min.
Purple origami flying dinosaur model (standing form).


Bird-like dinosaur model with open beak and pronounced eye.

Moderate 13 min.
Green and red origami dilophosaurus model with spread neck frill, folded from double tissue paper.

Dilophosaurus 1.8

Standing dinosaur model with open mouth, large reverse-colored neck frill and claws and feet with three digits.

Hard 3 hr. 15 min.
Yellow origami bipedal dinosaur with long neck.


Bipedal dinosaur model with long neck and pointy head.

Intermediate 29 min.
Long-necked dinosaur with open mouth.


Spindly bipedal dinosaur model with very long neck and open mouth.

Moderate 29 min.
Blue bipedal dinosaur model with long neck and legs.


Dinosaur model with open mouth and long legs and neck.

Moderate 31 min.
Pink dinosaur model with short arms and open mouth.


Bipedal dinosaur model with open mouth.

Moderate 21 min.
Green t-rex model with short arms and open mouth.


Bipedal standing dinosaur model with characteristic short arms and open mouth.

Moderate 23 min.
Blue spinosaurus origami model with large sail.


Standing dinosaur with large sail on its back.

Moderate 21 min.
Blue bipedal origami dinosaur with open mouth.


A standing dinosaur with open mouth and short arms.

Moderate 30 min.