Origami models labeled Pterosauria

A group of flying reptiles, which includes all flying dinosaurs.

Pterosauria is a type of dinosaur.

Showing results 1 to 6 of 6 models
Orange flying dinosaur with large cranial crest.


Flying dinosaur with large wings and large crest on its head.

Intermediate 1 hr.
Flying origami creature with fanged beak and pointy tail.


A model with long, arrow-shaped tail and large beak.

Intermediate 27 min.
Red origami flying dinosaur with large cranial crest.


Flying dinosaur model with pronounced cranial crest and two legs.

Intermediate 19 min.
Orange flying dinosaur origami model.


Flying dinosaur model with reverse-colored eyes.

Moderate 24 min.
Green flying dinosaur origami model with cranial crest.


Flying dinosaur with a distinctive cranial crest.

Intermediate 25 min.
Blue flying dinosaur origami model with reverse-colored eyes.


This flying dinosaur model has reverse-colored eyes.

Moderate 19 min.