Three-Headed Dragon
Bipedal three-headed creature with small wings and horned heads featuring open mouths.
The difficulty of models is rated with the following labels: easy, moderate, intermediate, hard and complex.
Intermediate models contain more difficult folds and require time and patience to master.
Bipedal three-headed creature with small wings and horned heads featuring open mouths.
Three-dimentional plesiosaur-like creature with reverse-colored shell on its back.
Quadruped creature with large plant bulb on its back.
Standing bulky bird with reverse-colored elements.
Three-legged monster with two large tentacles and an open mouth.
Question mark symbol on a reverse-colored background.
Flat duo-colored flower on reverse-colored background.
Brain on four legs, each having three digits.
Abstract tiger with reverse-colored stripes and nose.
Abstract mammoth model with large reverse-colored thusks.
Grasshopper with six independent legs, two antennae and distinctive shape.
Standing tortoise with large shield and raised head.