Origami models created by Miguel F. Romero

Full name Miguel Fernando Romero GutiƩrrez.

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5 models
Orange quadruped beast with scales on its back and a large tail. Folded from double tissue paper.


Quadruped armored beast with long tail, scales on its back and a horned head.

Complex 3 hr. 45 min.
Blue three-legged creature with large open mouth and three tentacles. Folded from kami paper.


Three-legged monster with two large tentacles and an open mouth.

Intermediate 1 hr. 18 min.
Gray creature with large head and hind legs. Folded from double tissue paper.


Armored quadruped creature with large maw.

Hard 1 hr. 58 min.
Brown abstract bear-like creature with large beak. Folded from double tissue paper.


Abstract bear-like creature with large beak and talons.

Moderate 37 min.
Black catlike creature with six legs and two large tentacles, viewed from the side, sculpted with MC glue. Folded from double tissue paper.

Displacer beast

Six-legged catlike creature with two large tentacles sprouting from its back.

Hard 2 hr. 40 min.